ID User User Name Start date Complete date ID Rewards Title Rewards
69084 Frédéric Muh 2022-10-17 17:01:15 2022-10-17 17:01:23 2 Funding of my Seminar-in-a-box
158004 Manuel Hanke 2022-10-17 14:12:12 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
36775 Peter Gatial 2022-10-14 11:49:08 - 2 Funding of my Seminar-in-a-box
157933 Clothilde Chevalier 2022-10-13 16:51:33 2022-10-13 16:51:48 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
156364 Burçin Öz 2022-10-12 16:55:45 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
111247 Flamur Arifi 2022-10-11 16:22:02 - 1 Funding of my Call-out-in-a-box
155854 Gwendoline Marshall 2022-10-10 15:32:05 2022-10-10 15:37:25 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
2550 Daria Labazova 2022-10-06 11:20:19 - 2 Funding of my Seminar-in-a-box
133781 Gabriel Lupu 2022-10-05 10:05:12 - 1 Funding of my Call-out-in-a-box
155492 Paulo Nazare 2022-10-05 01:15:09 2022-10-05 01:15:47 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
131023 Irina Gavriliuc 2022-10-04 15:46:29 2022-10-04 15:48:14 4 Social media lead generation campaign

Grouping by quantity of rewards

Funding of my Call-out-in-a-box Funding of my Seminar-in-a-box Funding of co-branded giveaways Social media lead generation campaign
2 3 5 1