ID User User Name Start date Complete date ID Rewards Title Rewards
150201 Ugo Bonanni 2023-01-30 18:44:59 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
112000 Joana Agostinho 2023-01-26 15:11:56 - 4 Social media lead generation campaign
121718 ELVIS KENVO 2023-01-25 18:09:28 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
160687 Edith Ghambi 2023-01-25 18:03:27 2023-01-26 17:37:19 2 Funding of my Seminar-in-a-box
108671 Claas Meyer 2023-01-24 19:59:56 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
135196 Fabrice SCAGLIONE 2023-01-24 16:44:12 - 1 Funding of my Call-out-in-a-box
147337 Ana Ballesteros Torrecilla 2023-01-24 15:05:38 - 2 Funding of my Seminar-in-a-box
163835 Patrizia Masino 2023-01-24 15:01:02 - 4 Social media lead generation campaign
161574 Bektas Ozkan 2023-01-24 13:52:21 - 4 Social media lead generation campaign
161236 Cihangir Günbay 2023-01-24 13:22:26 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
163071 Ryan Jebson 2023-01-23 14:55:27 2023-01-23 14:55:31 1 Funding of my Call-out-in-a-box
30966 Stefan Hübner 2023-01-18 17:14:12 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
121432 Pieter Van Rensburg 2023-01-17 16:28:35 - 4 Social media lead generation campaign
85547 Line Fielsøe 2023-01-17 15:44:53 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
162528 RANJITH MENON 2023-01-17 14:52:38 - 1 Funding of my Call-out-in-a-box
160538 Sarah AOUDIA 2023-01-17 13:40:45 - 4 Social media lead generation campaign
73157 Tobias Klein 2023-01-17 13:36:36 - 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways
161162 Darius Menzi 2023-01-17 12:49:09 2023-01-26 17:51:15 3 Funding of co-branded giveaways

Grouping by quantity of rewards

Funding of my Call-out-in-a-box Funding of my Seminar-in-a-box Funding of co-branded giveaways Social media lead generation campaign
3 2 8 5